Friday, October 8, 2010

A quick hello!

Bon soir a tous!

This will be just a short post from me as Im going out for a drink with Sara and Pierre!

Sitting here listening to Christophe Mae singing live (Mai aka Baby Idsow is on his concert in Rennes) So she is letting me hear my fav song, On s´attache. YOU ARE THE BEST.  I wanna see him too :( But he´s coming to Lyon on a week day (tuesday I think) and as the concert is quite late I wont be able to get back to Valence, and I need to get back as I have lessons the following day. Well well,, ONE day I will see him live! I did buy his latest album the other day.

Well this week I got to know the English assitant better, her name is Sarah and I met her other English friends this week at the Happy People meeting. This wednesday there were LOADS of ppl at the meeting, havent been this much since I started going. It was nice too see many new faces but also old ones.

As last week I met Maiju for lunch in town, had  a delish salmon with fries (first time I eat fries since well a long time ago). I hope this becomes a weekly thing as its fun to try the different restaurants in town and of course sit and talk with someone who´s not from the school.

Talking about school, guess what? The other Aurelie I work with (older one) got sick, and she´s off until next week meaning, yesterday when I was supposed to have 2 lessons with her I got to skip them and also the lesson on monday. I dont know what´s up with the English Teachers in this school, but I hope Im not the next one to get sick.

This week has been such lovley weather, yesteday it was so hot when I went to my french lesson. I had to roll up my leggings and take off my sweater and just have my t.shirt as I was boiling. The lesson was quite short as one of the other students brought some cakes and champange to celebrate that she passed some exams she had made. She made 3 different cakes which were yummy. So we had a mingle and I got to talk with the others that I havent talked so much with before, just said hello. Afterwards I got a lift from Mike (the english man I told you about last time) and Angelo (the italian).. MAN it was so funny to sit in the car with them when we got lost (as we were going to take another rute as there was so much traffic), I just sat and laughed when they were trying to find their way back to Valence. They showed me where they live so I can get a lift with them to the lesson aswell on monday. I decided to sit at the park and study for a bit as the weather was soo nice. Took some pics but unfortunally my computer is not co-operating and is not accepting any transfers from my cell to the computer *grrr*.  I managed only to transfer one pic. Of one of the beautiful flowers I pass while walking to the busstation. Isnt it pretty?, there are loads of them by the road.

Oh must tell you about todays lesson, what a mess it was. Me and Aurelie (young one) split the class in two and we were going to work with the days of the week. It was with the 6èmes (youngest ones), and well after a bit talking they were going to listen to a song about the days and do an excercise, everything up to listening to the song went well but as I put the cd it started naming school things. I was like, WTF? Try to see what the other tracks contained and it was no song.  Luckily my classroom is connected to Naciras so I ran into her and asked for help, she didnt understand what was wrong either. Later Aurelie comes in and says she has a problem with her cd too.. LOL. I was like Sh** what am I supposed to do. Well a few mintues after when the students were starting to become restless and I had to change places of 2 talkative students, Nacira told me that I had to put the cd in the computer and install it. That took ages aswell, so while it was loading I tried getting the kids talk, by asking what they will do on the weekend.. LOL. Luckily they understood me and could answer and 3 minutes before the bell rang we managed to listen to the song once. Pweee... The other group didnt. So Im quite happy that I managed to do everything what was supposed to be done, eventhough I had tecnical problems. Its not easy being a techer.. lol...

Well well  I have to get going.. Tomorrow Im off to Grenoble so I will take LOADS of pics and show you on sunday (if my computer lets me) on my next post! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


song of the day will be Victoria Petrosillo- Mi Fleur - Mi Démon

1 comment:

  1. Coucou Angie! :D
    Aww shame about your little escapades in class - it's turning into quite an adventure itself lol!
    The flower is beautiful!
    It really does sound like you're having a wonderful time! :)
