Thursday, September 2, 2010


Ok NOW im nervous about the trip... I cant believe that tomorrow this time I will be on my way to France or maybe even landed.

I´ve been trying to avoid the packing part for days now, I have always hated it as I never know what to bring along. I always forget something or pack too much. But guess what I have started to pack now...

Though after 10 mins and 13 kg later I got tired of it.. hehe.. Will continue tonight, so my mum can help me :p
My make up with probably weigh 5kg lol and then I will have 2 more kilos to fill it with. The things I forget to bring along I can buy there as I will live in the centre of Valance, near the shops.
Here you can actually see where Im going to live and work, near the river and near a big park.

Been looking at some pics of the city and it looks really pretty, especially the park. I will try to take loads of pictures for you. Isabelle who Im going to live with is picking me up in Lyon so I dont need to take the train down, which is really nice, it saves me 25 euros. But unfortunally she wont be in town during the weekend as her partner doesnt live in this city.

Yesterday the teacher who Im going to work with, contacted me. She seems really nice too and has invited me over to her place on saturday to meet her family and get to know eachother better.  That will be great as I will be alone during the weekend, so you will all probably find me in MSN and Facebook, lol, well If Im not out exploring the city.  I just hope I wont be as shy as I usually are when I meet new people, the good thing is that they know english, it would be worse if they only spoke french.

I still dont know if its junior high school students I will teach or older, its a big difference between them. The kids in their 13-16 are well how can I put it... MONSTERS.. lol.. well when I went to junior high school all the boys in my class scared away all the teachers so we got new ones every year.. LOL.. I so hope the kids in france or in this school arent like that. Im so used to my little kids in their 1-3rd year in school that it will be a BIG difference for me to teach older ones. 

I spent an hour yesterday looking through my papers from the "English for younger learners" course I took, 2 years ago now and found a few exercises and lesson I can try out on the students. It feels nice to come with a little things already planned.. Well many of you know me as MISS PLAN AHEAD.. lol.

I think I have wrap this up now as my mom is comming home from work now and we have to start making the food. She asked me what I wanted for my last dinner at home, if I wanted something swedish and my answer was: TACOS.. lol (yeah I know its not swedish but its sooo good)..
Of course we will make it with Veggie meat as Im a vegetarian. Mmmm I get so hungry now by just watching this pic.

Next time you will hear from me it will be from FRANCE..
So until then, hope you all all doing well and...

à bientôt


  1. lol - who is going to pack when you come home ;)

    Have a great trip Angie and yes - 12 - 15 year old boys are monsters lol (Lachie is 12 - almost 13 - sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;)

    hugs xx

  2. Ohhh I recognize that about packing, hate it too LOL! Hope you have arrived safely and have a good time with your co teacher and family today.

    Hugs xoxo
